Craigs Road

As a statutory consult tee the Community Council has been informed of the above application that has appeared on the Planning Portal website.
It is by Turley Associates of Taylor Wimpey U.K. Ltd. for a development of 250 dwellings of mixed type (town houses and flats up to 3 storeys) with access and egress on to the proposed re – modelled west section of Craigs Rd. and will include internal roadways and pedestrian & cycle paths with greenspace and landscaping.
This development lies east of development 16/04738/PPP by GVA James Barr and associated companies and described in the November 2016 meeting planning report and west of Maybury Rd., South of the westward extension of Craigs Rd.
It will be recalled that the previous application for the Wimpey development on this site was refused on grounds that the development transport proposals did not accord with the JVA James Barr proposals and would result in local air pollution levels on Maybury Rd. and environs exceeding national limits.
 The window for objections is approximately 21 days from receipt of this notice (29/11/2016) but I have requested from the planning officer concerned ( ) a maximum extension to allow due dissemination of information and consultation to take place.
There are 21 documents on the website including a 67 page traffic assessment, planning statement of equivalent length and master plan of layout etc. I would strongly recommend study of these documents on the planning website – the application will feature in my forthcoming report for the December 2016 meeting but time for discussion is likely to be limited given the festive get – together etc.
As with the previous applications in this area our objections are most likely to centre on traffic problems, resultant air pollution, housing density, loss of green space and concerns of infrastructure overload.
Meantime if you have any comments post them on the planning website and / or keep usd informed so we can draft a cogent reply on behalf of the C.C.C.
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