4th October 2016



What we`ve done so far as Corstorphine Community Council:

Here is just a small sample of what we have done so far. We are always working for you and for your community. You can stay up to date by attending Our Meetings and regularly visiting our website.

Corstorphine Fair. We have always had a stand putting the Corstorphine Community Council  in front of the public with the Largest Public Fair in our area.

St. John’s Road.   We arranged with business sponsorship fitting of 32 flower baskets from Station Road to The Drum Brae Roundabout over a good number of years  but the finance crisis stopped withdrawal  from our business contacts. The flowers were grown and supplied by our own City Greenhouses.

Union Park / Saughton Road North. Through vandal problems some years ago we became involved with the City Council and the Police in working together with a successful outcome.

Saughton Road North.  Again we became involved with the City Council and the Police in agreeing that  re-aligning  and upgrading Saughton Road North including the fitting of 2 speed lights at either end  is needed following the tragic death of a 6 year old boy killed while crossing on a pedestrian crossing.

St. John’s Road.   We were part of a committee that met and processed the upgrading of St. John’s Road  pavements and shop areas with the assistance of a sum of £50,000p from Marks And Spencer Ltd.

Corstorphine Parish Church.   We had pressed for renewal of the wall lights around the Parish Church ground surrounding Kirk Loan. We were successful in obtaining a grant for complete renewal from the West Edinburgh Neighbourhood Partnership which has now been completed. Corstorphine Trust were also supporters in our efforts.

Group Outings. We were delighted to have the opportunity to visit The Bilston 999 Call Centre, shown round and see the instant reaction taking place. Also had a visit to Edinburgh Airport to view one of its building expansions and The Edinburgh Tram Depot at Gogar to be shown round the workshops, followed by a trip in a Tram to the Airport.

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